Regulative Idea

Solo exhibition, 13th of July until the 23rd of October 2023, in the Portuguese Cultural Centre, Luxembourg.

Text by Martim Brion
Director of Cultural Centre: Adília Carvalho
Press: Contacto, Rádio Latina
List of artworks

There is no doubt that our world has become more complex, while we also have a better understanding of how complex the natural world to which we belong is. This increase in human complexity has occurred as a result of technological advances, but also, more mundanely, because there are more of us and we have become more interconnected as a result of globalisation and emigration. At the same time, there has been a massive increase in higher education enrollment and an enormous increase in the number of middle-class people in developed countries from the 1950s to the 1980s, which were years of immense general prosperity. This was accompanied by an increase in female labour-force participation, and ultimately, the idea that everyone should work and not be idle has been thoroughly cemented into our collective psyche, that one needs to carry his own weight, be productive, and deserve his place in society – the meritocratic society – which is a well-meaning concept but, as usual, has often been distorted into moralistic non-sense.[…] – Full Text